Blencowe Resources commences new round of resource drilling at Orom-Cross
The 6,750 metre drill programme is designed to increase both resources and reserves for inclusion into the company’s ongoing definitive feasibility study.
The programme will involve drilling over the identified Camp Lode and Northern Syncline deposits, where Blencowe has already established an existing JORC Resource of 24.5 million tonnes grading 6% total carbon.
The company will also target extensions to the Northern Syncline (Western Limb) as well as the exciting new prospective Southern GT-01 target.
The current average grade of 6% at Orom-Cross is in the top quartile globally of graphite projects, but previous work undertaken by the company has highlighted the potential for even higher grades in these areas.
As a component of the programme several holes will be drilled to provide the necessary geotechnical information for the confirmation of pit design parameters and slope stability parameters for the project.
The drilling and subsequent assessment will be undertaken by local Ugandan drilling firm ADT Drilling, whilst Minrom Consulting from South Africa will undertake the geological assessment alongside Middindi Consulting.
Both ADT and Minrom have been associated with the Orom-Cross project since 2012 and have a solid understanding of the project.
Other works planned as part of the programme include trenching and mapping on additional areas identified by aeromagnetics. This work is designed to work up further areas for future resource expansion.
The existing JORC Resource sits on just 2% of the broader Orom-Cross licence.
The company has also commissioned the establishment of a permanent exploration camp onsite, with portable units for accommodation and messing being erected onsite to support ongoing operations. These constitute the first fixed facilities on-site, representing a key milestone for Blencowe as it drives Orom-Cross towards first production.
"We have now started the latest drilling programme at Orom-Cross after considerable preparation work undertaken during December,” said executive chairman Cameron Pearce.
“This extensive campaign will be one of the last key components to wrapping up the DFS and we aim to deliver considerably larger resources and reserves to support the higher production levels expected, as well as a longer life of mine. We remain on track to complete the DFS in the first half of 2025 and we expect to begin reporting drilling results during the current quarter."
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Further confirmation that Blencowe is on track with Orom-Cross to deliver what could turn out to be a very attractive set of economics in the DFS. That the company has only drilled around 2% of the project is remarkable – the overall resource base could end up lasting for decades. In the background, Blencowe has also been talking to potential customers and locking in deals. So, there’s a lot that’s already in place. The DFS should bring all the strands together, but in the meantime watch for drill results as further proof of Orom-Cross’s potential.
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