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Craig Martin of Vietnam Holding: 2022 was a record year for Vietnam's economy & there’s confidence for 2023 as stockmarket shows first net inflows since 2019

10:17, 24th March 2023
AudioBoom | https://audioboom.com/posts/8269361-craig-martin-of-vietnam-holding-2022-was-a-record-year-for-vietnam-s-economy-there-s-confidenc

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Craig Martin Chairman at Dynam Capital, Manager of Vietnam Holding Follow | VNH: Says that although 2022 was a record year for Vietnam's economy, with its decade high levels of GDP growth (8%), record levels of Foreign Direct Investment, and unmatched trade surplus, it was not a great year for equity investors. However there is confidence for 2023 as investors are starting to return to the country's stock markets, with net inflows recorded for the first time since 2019.

Craig discusses their interim results, fact sheet and subjects covered on a recnt webinar.

To read the full RNS click here



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