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Industry Experts with Diana van Maasdijk, Co-Founder & CEO of Equileap

10:23, 17th June 2019
Francesca Morgan
Industry Experts


Vox Media Player

Equileap is a leading organisation providing data and insights on gender equality in the corporate sector. Uniquely, Equileap tackles this head on from every corner of workplace, across 19 measures, from maternity leave to boardroom diversity, so that no stone is left unturned. For this reason, Equileap are casting a much-needed gender lens, upending the conversation aimed at gender parity in the workplace.

Diana Van Maasdijk, is a founding member and CEO of Equileap. She’s recognised that by leveraging the power of investment you can align your interests with "the mission of the people".

Tune in as Diana talks holistic approaches, the case for impact investing and aclimitising companies to an international contest: the race to gender parity.


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