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Stefan Bernstein of GreenRoc explains the significance of ERMA support for Amitsoq Graphite Project

09:43, 9th February 2023
AudioBoom | https://audioboom.com/posts/8244585-stefan-bernstein-of-greenroc-explains-the-significance-of-erma-support-for-amitsoq-graphite-project

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Stefan Bernstein CEO of GreenRoc Mining Follow | GROC explains why European Raw Materials Alliance support is significant for their Amitsoq Graphite Project.


· It is the primary role of ERMA to secure raw materials and raw material supply chains for Europe to support industrial ecosystems within the European Union.

· ERMA and EIT RawMaterials have issued a formal letter of support for the Amitsoq Graphite Project, stating it to be a resource of "global importance".

· ERMA and EIT RawMaterials have established a dedicated investment channel for raw materials projects and have indicated their support for GreenRoc Mining to secure the financing needed for the development of Amitsoq.

· GreenRoc is focussed on fast-tracking the Project to production to meet burgeoning graphite demand from electric vehicle manufacturers.

· The letter of support follows a detailed evaluation process by ERMA and industry technical experts.

· The letter of support follows an almost three times increase in the Project's Mineral Resource Estimate to 23.05 million tonnes (Mt) at an average grade of 20.41% Graphitic Carbon ("C(g)"), giving a total graphite content of 4.71 Mt, cementing its position as one of the very highest-grade graphite deposits globally.

To read the full RNS click here



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