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Kirk Adams CEO of GreenRoc talks about their globally significant assets and upcoming milestones

11:04, 14th October 2021

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Kirk Adams CEO of GreenRoc talks about their globally significant assets and upcoming milestones

Kirk Adams CEO of GreenRoc Mining #GROC FOLLOW talks about their assets including one of the highest-grade graphite projects globally and outlines their upcoming milestones.


GreenRoc Overview

· GreenRoc intends to become a key supplier of critical, high-demand, high-value minerals to fast-growing end markets, benefitting from long-term structural drivers such as the transition to a zero carbon global energy sector

· Portfolio of 100% owned projects in Greenland acquired from Alba Mineral Resources plc upon Admission, namely:

o Amitsoq Graphite Project

o Thule Black Sands Ilmenite Project

o Melville Bay Iron Project

o Inglefield Multi-Element Project

· Graphite and titanium focus which are both designated as critical minerals by the EU and the USA

o Demand for graphite is forecast to increase by 2,500% by 2040 - fuelled by the electric vehicle ("EV") sector

· A proven management team with:

o An established track record of delivering value for shareholders

o Strong expertise in the stable and mining supportive jurisdiction of Greenland

o In depth knowledge of the disciplines required to fast-track the Greenland Projects through to both development and production

About GreenRoc Mining
GreenRoc Mining Plc was established in March 2021 as a UK public limited company for the purpose of acquiring all of the Greenlandic mining assets of Alba and progressing the exploration and development of those assets. Alba retains a 54% interest in the issued share capital of GreenRoc. The assets in question are the Thule Black Sands Ilmenite Project ("TBS"), the Amitsoq Graphite Project ("Amitsoq"), the Melville Bay Iron Project ("Melville Bay") and the Inglefield Multi-Element Project ("Inglefield") (together the "Projects" or the "Greenland Projects").

The Directors believe that the combination of a suite of high quality, diversified Greenlandic mining assets within a single, Greenland-focused AIM-quoted vehicle creates a compelling investment opportunity.

Both graphite and titanium (primary ore: ilmenite) have been designated as critical minerals by the EU and the USA. With drilling campaigns having been executed in the summer of 2021, both at TBS to increase the existing Mineral Resource and at Amitsoq to seek to define a maiden Mineral Resource, the Company is well positioned to progress one or more of its mining assets into development with the aim of securing exploitation licences within the earliest practicable timescale.

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