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Minds + Machines Group Enters Into Strategic Marketing Partnership With World Leading Ethereum Wallet Provider

11:56, 9th October 2018
Abraham Darwyne
Company News

Minds + Machines Group (MMX) FOLLOW has entered into a strategic marketing partnership with the leading Ethereum wallet provider imToken, who also supports Bitcoin and EOS cryptocurrencies.
Minds + Machines Group Limited is the owner and operator of a world-class portfolio of 32 top-level domain assets.
The company’s group revenue increased 22% to $6.4million up from $5.3million in the previous year, and registrations within MMX portfolio were reported to be up 38% year on year to 1.5million, signalling strong organic growth.
imToken, is the world's leading wallet provider with 6 million active monthly users in 150 countries, processing $45 billion in pass-through transactions in the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2018.
In July 2018, imToken launched version 2.0 of its software allowing users to manage not just their Ethereum wallet but also those that support Bitcoin and EOS under a single imToken identity.
This allows imToken users to hold and exchange multiple cryptocurrencies and tokens through a single imToken 42 character string address.
Under the agreement with .luxe, a user's 42 character wallet address can now be securely associated to a human-readable .luxe name of the users choice.

Speaking to Vox Markets about the significance of the news, cryptocurrency & blockchain expert Glen Goodman aka The Shares Guy said: “Using cryptocurrencies is far from simple, but this announcement is a step forward in tackling that problem, by replacing random 42-character wallet addresses with simple words.”
imToken will be the first wallet provider to fully integrate the offering of .luxe names to new and existing customers as part of its product offering.
Ben He COE of imToken said: “The fact that the .luxe domain can also work on the World Wide Web is ground-breaking, allowing the world of blockchain to become seamlessly knitted into everyday usage on the Web."
Toby Hall, CEO of MMX added: “"We are delighted at the speed with which the relationship with imToken has developed.”
“The interest in .luxe has surpassed all expectations. We applaud the forward thinking, desire to innovate and speed of action being demonstrated by our retail channel, that is allowing us to spearhead an initiative that allows a top-level domain to converge with the Ethereum blockchain.”

Follow news & updates about MMX here: FOLLOW


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