Neil Herbert of Atlantic Lithium: Longest pegmatite interval intersected in drilling programme this year
Neil Herbert, Executive Chairman of
discusses results from their recent drilling campaign where they have intercepted the longest pegmatite interval this year. This intercept is outside of the current Mineral Resource Estimate at the Company's flagship Ewoyaa Lithium Project, which means it could significantly increase the potential for a resource upgrade.Highlights
- Multiple broad intervals of visible spodumene reported in drilling outside of the current MRE1, significantly increasing the potential for a resource upgrade.
- Longest reported continuous pegmatite interval in the 2023 drilling programme to date of 106m in hole GRC1020 from 6m at the Dog-Leg extension target on the northern tip of the Ewoyaa Main deposit.
- Visible coarse-grained spodumene fragment intervals reported at shallow depths in holes:
· GRC1017: 51m interval of 25-30% visual estimated spodumene modal abundance from 83m
· GRC1020: 74m interval of 20-25% visual estimated spodumene modal abundance from 39m and a 41m interval of 20-25% visual estimated spodumene modal abundance from 137m
· GRC1021: 24m interval of 15-25% visual estimated spodumene modal abundance from 93m
- Coarse-grained, P1-type spodumene pegmatite is preferred for the Dense Media Separation ("DMS") process flowsheet considered in the Definitive Feasibility Study for the Project (refer announcement of 29 June 2023).
- Resource drilling ongoing; completion of the enhanced 26,500m planned programme (refer announcement of 7 November 2023) targeted for Q2 2024.
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