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Q&A with Shield Therapeutics Founder and CEO, Carl Sterritt

16:22, 5th March 2019
Anita Riotta
Company Q&A

Vox Media Player

After the release of Shield Therapeutics (STX)'s FOLLOW clinical trial results sparked an over 20% increase in share price, Shield's Founder CEO Carl Sterritt stopped by our offices to tell us exactly what the study showed about their leading asset Feraccru and what impact it will have on both the company and patients.

Carl emphasised how Feraccru, now proven to be equivalent to its intravenous counterparts, gives patients the opportunity and freedom to treat their iron deficiency in a simpler, more cost effective way.

Tune in as Carl also walks us through Shield Therapeutics' other major projects coming to market, as it exemplifies how this clinical trial was only the beginning.

For more news and updates on Shield Therapeutics: FOLLOW


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