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Q&A with Vietnam Holding’s Craig Martin: “Our outperformance is strong”

11:30, 18th April 2024
John Hughman
Fund Manager Q&A

Craig Martin of Dynam Capital, manager of the Vietnam Holding investment trusts, on how its differentiated investment approach is delivering above average returns targeting one of the world’s most dynamic and fast-growing economies.

0:37 Why the Vietnamese index has enjoyed such a strong start to 2024
1:35 Why recent index weakness and geopolitical concerns are unlikely to disrupt the long term Vietnam growth story.
4:26 How a concentrated and active approach combined with nimble stock picking means Vietnam Holdings is outperforming the index and its sector peers.
7:55 How the trust’s new annual redemption offer has helped close the discount to NAV and drive liquidity.
10:00 The significance of Vietnam’s recently signed cooperative agreement with Australia, and Vietnam’s broader integration into the global economy.

Stock Chart | VNH

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