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Stephen Pinkerton new CFO of Open Orphan discusses his experience and expectations

09:31, 18th October 2022
AudioBoom | https://audioboom.com/posts/8176520-stephen-pinkerton-new-cfo-of-open-orphan-discusses-his-experience-and-expectations

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Stephen Pinkerton new CFO of Open Orphan Follow | ORPH discusses his experience and positive expectations for the company with a record contracted order book, which has increased nearly threefold to c. £70m as at 30 June 2022.

Stephen is a chartered accountant with over 25 years of experience in senior financial roles and has served as Commercial Financial Director of hVIVO since July 2017, having previously been a consultant to the Company. Prior to joining hVIVO, Stephen spent 11 years in various senior financial roles at Thomson Reuters. He will be based in the Company's Plumbers Row headquarters in East London alongside the Company's CEO Yamin 'Mo' Khan.

To read the full RNS please click here


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