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Tekcapital’s Lucyd increases IP portfolio to 24 Patents

10:34, 28th October 2020
Francesca Morgan
RNS Newswire

Tekcapital (AIM:TEK FOLLOW) said its 100% owned portfolio company, Lucyd, which develops and operates an eShop for advanced eyewear has updated investors on its intellectual property.

The UK intellectual property investment group said the United States Patent and Trademark Office's has now issued a notice of allowance for Lucyd's utility patent #16/022,097.

The utility patent is entitled, "Smartglasses and Methods and Systems for Using Artificial Intelligence to Control Mobile Devices Used for Displaying and Presenting Tasks and Applications and Enhancing Presentation and Display of Augmented Reality Information."

This "Link" patent will cover the functionality of a mobile app which Lucyd is currently developing to support its ‘wearable ecosystem.’ It said the app will prioritise various Bluetooth devices, allowing the user to control connections to their main device.

The app will also provide a user control panel to manage the flow of information across connected devices, particularly control inputs and data outputs used for specific purposes, and will also provide user control over key mappings of wearables connected to their main device, such as changing the function of the action buttons on Lucyd eyewear using apps.

In addition to this utility patent allowance, Lucyd was granted 13 smartglass design patents, covering a range of smart eyewear styles. 

Lucyd now has a total of 24 patent applications and allowances, including two additional pending utility patents and eight pending design patents.

Lucyd said it has created an intellectual property ‘moat’ in the e-glass space, enabling it to produce what they believe is one of the first pairs of smart prescription eyewear with the ergonomic features to facilitate mass market adoption and ‘all-day comfort.’

Lucyd said the upcoming e-glasses, "Lucyd Lyte" holds a functionality meeting all the requirements of prescription eyewear, while surpassing them with useful electronic features. 

"Our growing Intellectual property position has helped Lucyd produce E-glasses, arguably the most important wearable, with the ergonomic features necessary for all day comfort, prescription compatibility, and fashionable design,” said Harrison Gross, CEO of Lucyd.

He added, “We believe the LINK patent provides Lucyd with a strong IP entry in the wearables space, with significant claims at the centre of the IOT ("Internet of Things"), Bluetooth® and wearable device ecosystem." 

Shares in Tekcapital have more than doubled in the past six months to open 10% higher this morning to 10.75 following the announcement.

TEK price chart

3 Reasons to follow TEK:

Tekcapital’s mission is to create value from university Intellectual property that is ready for mass markets.
1.    TEK has the World’s largest network of University IP
2.    TEK enables rapid value creation with market ready technology selection
3.    Multi-Year track record of significant revenue and net-asset growth

Recent news on Guident

Tekcapital’s portfolio company Guident, which provides AI solutions for autonomous vehicles, entered into an alliance with Cirrus Core Networks, Inc (“CNN”) earlier this month for enhanced mobile connectivity with cutting-edge mobility solutions. 

This strategic alliance between Cirrus Core Networks and Guident has been dubbed “a significant step towards a low latency and secured connectivity for any autonomous vehicle” by Adam Crane, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cirrus Core Networks.

According to Allied Market Research, "the autonomous vehicle market is expected to reach $556 billion by 2026 with a CAGR of 39% while "touch-free" delivery is in high demand due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Harald Braun, CEO of Guidant discussed how increased demand will accelerate the roll-out of land-based delivery drones for food and medicines to improve their availability and reduce the costs of these deliveries.

Recent News on Salarius

Meanwhile, Tekcapital’s portfolio company, Salarius, signed a partnership agreement last month with FXM to lead B2B sales and marketing of MicroSalt® in Mexico and Latin America, marking the first time that MicroSalt® will be sold outside the United States. 

Victor Hugo Manzanilla, CEO of Salarius, recently discussed how its patented technology can create nano salt with low sodium whilst keeping the full flavour profile of traditional salt. He also discusses how regulation changes are driving their business, outlines the numerous distribution channels they have in place and the success of their SaltMe! crisps.

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