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Atlantic Lithium year in review: Delivering Ghana’s first lithium project

10:09, 18th January 2023
Vox Markets

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Vox Markets talks to Neil Herbert, executive chairman of Atlantic Lithium (ALL Follow | ALL), about a year of huge progress which takes its Ewoyaa project ever closer to becoming Ghana’s first producing litnhium mine

0:44 Explains where Atlantic Lithium fits into the overall lithium value chain, including industry mine development, and lithium demand and pricing
2:29 Discussing the results of the Ewoyaa pre-feasibility study and the economics of the project 
3:39 What makes Ewoyaa a low-opex and capex project, including the location and existing infrastructure
6:05 The importance of nearby deep-water port facilities, and the wealth of local talent within Ghana
7:13 Engagement with Ghana’s authorities, and the importance of Atlantic’s environmental and community approach to developing the project
8:33 The importance of the project to Ghana, and a possible investment from the country’s sovereign wealth mining fund
9:45 The company’s funding position and the Australian dual listing
11:40 Steps to get towards targeted first production in Q3 2024, including the application for a mining licence
14:56 Further exploration plans


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